Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project 8: Ringtone

I liked this project, it was actually kinda fun. I made my ringtone out of inspiration from The Legend of Zelda. I made it more technoy than the orriginal, and i think it came out pretty good.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today I started Project 8, a ring tone. My new inspiration is a tune from The Legend of Zelda, a video game for Nintendo. Its shaping up pretty well.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Project 7

This new piece i made i consider a hybrid of techno and metal. Its got some spacey sounding stuff, and the metal guitar. Its got a bit of bass supporting it. I just realized that i didn't put any drums in this, but i don't think it needs drums anyway, because this already sounds good to me. I made some of the sounds, like the first spacey thing by myself using Sytrus. I found the guitars, and edited them to my liking so they sounded like this. Bass I used BooBass. I used the Riff Machine on everything, and i think it sounds pretty cool. Hope you guys like it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today I finished my project I believe. Everything seems to be good, except for the lack of bass, but i don't think I need bass. I have good guitar, and some cool otherworldly space like sounds.